Paper Oyakata Game


Past results | 2005 Natsu-basho

[C] = Yusho [W] = Wild Card [o] = Kachikoshi [x] = Makekoshi
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[E] Player Win and Lo Ban [W] Player Win and Lo

shabanokaze [o] 10 - 5 O1
akamagawa [o] 10 - 5

yokochonoinkyo [x] 6 - 9 O2

yamanoyama [x] 7 - 8 S1
gonzaburow [o] 9 - 6

raitest [o] 8 - 7 S2
yonechan [o] 8 - 7

wasarabiyama [o] 9 - 6 S3
rokko_oroshi [x] 7 - 8

sengyoumi [o] 9 - 6

BULLDOG [o] 9 - 6 K1
chachamaru [o] 8 - 7

iepii [o] 8 - 7 K2
kawazi [x] 7 - 8

gachinko [o] 10 - 5 K3
choshu-yuki [x] 6 - 9

yokoyamabakuro [x] 6 - 9 M1
hashi [o] 9 - 6

Onzoushi_oyakata [x] 7 - 8 M2
fada [x] Abs

hiroshima_sumoutou [o] 9 - 6 M3
giei [o] 8 - 7

big-jordan [o] 10 - 5 M4
kaiou [o] 10 - 5

( No playerName ) [x] 5 - 10 M5
anjoboshi [o] 12 - 3

yosouou [o] 9 - 6 M6
sana [x] Abs

ryuu [x] 7 - 8 M7
gijou [o] 9 - 6

shintarou [x] 7 - 8 M8
dai [o] 10 - 5

warabi-zu [x] 6 - 9 M9
tonarinootoko [o] 8 - 7

sentorea [x] 4 - 11 M10
TANIKAZE [o] 9 - 6

tsukinojou [x] 6 - 9 M11
zenjimoto [o] 11 - 4

maiyo [o] 10 - 5 M12
( No playerName ) [x] 7 - 8

narikuri [x] 7 - 8 M13
biggod [o] 8 - 7

norizo [x] 7 - 8 M14
shouhou [x] 6 - 9

nacchabo [o] 8 - 7 M15
bill [x] 6 - 9

tomoyan [x] 3 - 12 M16
tsukanoyama [x] Abs

oishiyama [x] 7 - 8 M17
nanase [x] 7 - 8

daishouyama [o] 9 - 6 M18
naminishiki [x] Abs

neon [x] 7 - 8 M19
tosahayate [x] 7 - 8

akinoumi [o] 8 - 7 M20
kitanofuji_2 [x] Abs

doitsuyama [o] 12 - 3 M21
nikopachi [o] 10 - 5

sugawaraisao [o] 8 - 7 M22
mami [x] 6 - 9

miyabi [o] 9 - 6 M23
shiro [x] 5 - 10

dennenbiru401gou [x] 6 - 9 M24 [C] ogawa [o] 13 - 2

reaku [o] 8 - 7 M25
asahi [o] 10 - 5

bakuanakozou [x] 7 - 8 M26
b-sann [o] 11 - 4

loner [x] 6 - 9 M27
susanoo [o] 8 - 7

kouseien [o] 8 - 7 M28
( No playerName ) [x] Abs

( No playerName ) [x] 7 - 8 M29
Dosukoi-Black [o] 9 - 6

marihime [x] 7 - 8 M30
seki haruaki [x] 5 - 10

doryuas [x] 5 - 10 M31
( No playerName ) [x] 7 - 8

bafa [x] 7 - 8 M32
kazu [o] 8 - 7

junboko [o] 9 - 6 M33
bokusa [o] 8 - 7

tsuruhime [o] 11 - 4 M34
oshou [o] 9 - 6
[W] kintamayama [o] 13 - 2 J1
pochitama [x] 7 - 8

kai-ou [o] 8 - 7 J2
eeve [x] 6 - 9

mumeishi [o] 8 - 7 J3
ottotto [x] 7 - 8

g_ogasawara [o] 10 - 5 J4
chikubinishiki [x] Abs

hirohiro [o] 8 - 7 J5
( No playerName ) [o] 10 - 5

( No playerName ) [x] 7 - 8 J6
coms [x] 4 - 11

TAKA [x] 7 - 8 J7
say [x] 6 - 9

snooping [o] 11 - 4 J8
imadon [x] 3 - 12
[C] frinkanohana [o] 14 - 1 J9
kotonoha [o] 8 - 7

tenshin [x] 6 - 9 J10
onlyone [x] 5 - 10

( No playerName ) [x] Abs J11
taki_ryuuichi [o] 9 - 6

fujiicchi [x] 7 - 8 J12
aburo [x] 4 - 11

tsupparitaro [o] 10 - 5 J13
( No playerName ) [o] 8 - 7

chagirl [x] 5 - 10 J14
( No playerName ) [x] Abs

( No playerName ) [o] 8 - 7 J15
senkinonada [x] 3 - 12

takashi [x] 6 - 9 J16
oyakata [o] 8 - 7

( No playerName ) [o] 8 - 7 J17
saemonnosuke [x] 7 - 8

( No playerName ) [x] 5 - 10 J18
( No playerName ) [o] 9 - 6

( No playerName ) [o] 8 - 7 J19
neginishiki [x] 7 - 8

teppei [x] 7 - 8 J20
kickthekankurou [x] 7 - 8

shirofunekun [x] 7 - 8 J21
fuuunji [x] 6 - 9

ashi [x] Abs J22
fujisan [x] Abs

miruto [x] 7 - 8 J23
masawo [x] 6 - 9

kotochanta [o] 9 - 6 J24
bad_boy [o] 8 - 7

eizi11 [o] 8 - 7 J25
narimasuyama [x] 4 - 11

noi [o] 8 - 7 J26
natsumaru [o] 8 - 7

sakimai [x] 7 - 8 J27
gernobono [o] 11 - 4

bisuke [x] 7 - 8 J28
( No playerName ) [x] Abs

ayushige [o] 9 - 6 J29
kurian [o] 9 - 6

tarou [o] 9 - 6 J30
ullishimaru [x] 7 - 8

hatasegawa [x] 6 - 9 J31
( No playerName ) [x] Abs

sakamoto_maaya [x] 5 - 10 J32
yokosuka_kengorou [x] 3 - 12

soujirou5daime [x] 5 - 10 J33
tomitsuki [o] 9 - 6

flohru [o] 9 - 6 J34
shizunaigawa [x] 5 - 10

tameiki [o] 9 - 6 J35
zeokage [x] Abs

misisko [x] 7 - 8 J36
a-sann [x] 6 - 9

( No playerName ) [o] 8 - 7 J37
Kaiowaka [o] 8 - 7

kantarou [o] 8 - 7 J38
takeojin [x] 7 - 8

( No playerName ) [x] Abs ms1
( No playerName ) [x] Abs

yanen [x] 6 - 9 ms2
katsuragizan [x] 5 - 10

devilmaru [o] 8 - 7 ms3
yamanoumi [x] 6 - 9

azumaryu [o] 9 - 6 ms4
tekitou [x] 1 - 14

komesame [x] 5 - 10 ms5
( No playerName ) [x] 4 - 11

( No playerName ) [x] Abs ms6
yuugenju [x] 7 - 8

( No playerName ) [o] 8 - 7 ms7
( No playerName ) [x] 5 - 10

ikanofuji [x] 5 - 10 ms8
jamio [o] 8 - 7

shirogane [o] 8 - 7 ms9
Mariohana [o] 8 - 7

( No playerName ) [x] 5 - 10 ms10
( No playerName ) [x] 6 - 9

yamakei [x] 7 - 8 ms11
hananokaze [x] 2 - 13

kerotama-keroko [o] 9 - 6 ms12
yuu [o] 10 - 5

otsu13 [x] 5 - 10 ms13
fulli [o] 10 - 5

to-fu [o] 11 - 4 ms14
( No playerName ) [o] 11 - 4

urashima [o] 12 - 3 ms15
oohakuchou [x] 6 - 9

sanpu [x] 4 - 11 ms16
godaikonoryu [o] 10 - 5

chiyonofujikiseki [x] 3 - 12 ms17
yaochoyama [o] 8 - 7

( No playerName ) [x] Abs ms18
charliki [o] 11 - 4

fujitsubo [x] 6 - 9 ms19
kazunoumi [x] 5 - 10

( No playerName ) [x] Abs ms20
ra [x] 4 - 11

uninoyama [x] 7 - 8 ms21
Nakaharanokinchan [x] 3 - 12

( No playerName ) [x] Abs ms22
hassy [x] 6 - 9
[C] mushi [o] 12 - 3 ms23
sumokozou [x] 7 - 8

aabatoba [o] 9 - 6 ms24
fuurinkazan [x] Abs

marionoumi [o] 12 - 3 ms25
( No playerName ) [x] Abs

segasaki [x] 7 - 8 ms26
hironoumi [o] 11 - 4

( No playerName ) [x] Abs ms27
lunch_time [o] 9 - 6

fumiya_ino [o] 11 - 4 ms28
Eduardo de Paz [o] 9 - 6

mmikasazuma [o] 9 - 6 ms29
suitenguuyama [x] 6 - 9

( No playerName ) [x] Abs ms30
satsukigaoka [o] 9 - 6

gorinoyama [x] 7 - 8 ms31
hitsujikan [o] 8 - 7

( No playerName ) [x] Abs ms32
tamanaogijima [x] 5 - 10

birth [x] 6 - 9 ms33
( No playerName ) [o] 8 - 7

max [x] Abs ms34
( No playerName ) [x] 4 - 11

chamoro [x] 5 - 10 ms35
( No playerName ) [x] Abs

( No playerName ) [x] 5 - 10 ms36
( No playerName ) [o] 8 - 7

franchise [o] 9 - 6 ms37
nazonazo [x] 7 - 8

purupurupa- [x] Abs ms38
( No playerName ) [x] Abs

yakyuu [o] 10 - 5 ms39
( No playerName ) [x] Abs

( No playerName ) [x] Abs ms40
LS [o] 8 - 7

( No playerName ) [o] 8 - 7 ms41
kachitakai [x] 6 - 9

Florida [o] 12 - 3 ms42
Randomitsuki [x] 6 - 9

( No playerName ) [x] Abs ms43
takanorappa [o] 9 - 6

( No playerName ) [x] Abs ms44
toru [x] 7 - 8

Jejima [o] 10 - 5 ms45
( No playerName ) [x] Abs

dragon [x] 4 - 11 ms46
akaikitsune [x] Abs

( No playerName ) [x] Abs ms47
mura [x] Abs

( No playerName ) [x] Abs ms48
( No playerName ) [x] Abs

( No playerName ) [x] Abs ms49
hakkanoh [x] 6 - 9

( No playerName ) [x] Abs ms50
( No playerName ) [o] 8 - 7

( No playerName ) [x] Abs ms51
minatonoshinsakura [x] 4 - 11

bailingaru [x] 7 - 8 ms52
( No playerName ) [x] Abs

( No playerName ) [x] Abs ms53
( No playerName ) [x] Abs

( No playerName ) [x] 2 - 13 ms54
fuutarou [o] 12 - 3

( No playerName ) [x] Abs ms55
( No playerName ) [x] Abs

( No playerName ) [x] Abs ms56
( No playerName ) [x] Abs

( No playerName ) [o] 11 - 4 ms
( No playerName ) [o] 11 - 4

( No playerName ) [o] 10 - 5 ms
torideyama [o] 9 - 6

Konosato [o] 9 - 6 ms
( No playerName ) [o] 9 - 6

Kotononami [o] 8 - 7 ms
basashihime [o] 8 - 7

Nikioshu [o] 8 - 7 ms
( No playerName ) [x] 7 - 8

r_360_i [x] 7 - 8 ms
( No playerName ) [x] 7 - 8

( No playerName ) [x] 7 - 8 ms
Asashoryu [x] 7 - 8

( No playerName ) [x] 6 - 9 ms
( No playerName ) [x] 6 - 9

morikumiko [x] 5 - 10 ms
terarno [x] 3 - 12